Selasa, 15 November 2011

You are The Reasons

Somedays ago, i ask for God. Is my feeling over? I HOPE it will be last forever, God answer me through Him J

See? :D

Ceboong - panda

But he is so busy now, he have a new job now. And today is his second day work there J i always happy for him. Whatever he do and he want to do, i always support him because i know it for his best J

So sorry L its just my ego!!!!

But i just miss you here, ceboong .....


You are The Reasons..........................................


I smile for you

I cry because you're my problems

Im happy because you're my solutions

I confuse to think about you

 I laugh because you make some joke for me

 I whine because sometimes you make me annoyed

I pose to switch your world

I angry because sometimes you make me jealous
I surprise when you suddenly give me a surprising moment 

I dance and world too when i with you

Yeah, That You’re the reasonsJ

Whatever you do, i always happy for you! and i wish THE BEST FOR US! Jesus Bless Us, Amen :)

Minggu, 06 November 2011


OH GOD, IT'S SO SAD! i just let my beloved sweetheart :'( He bring the key for my heart's padlock:(  So gone with her beloved sweetheart:( He chosee her, God and leave me! So how can be the other guy can enter in my heart to replace him???

YEAH Jesus, i believe in You O:) It be to me according to Thy will, Lord. Amen O:)

can you see how cute him? i just miss him!! God bless me here, you and her there! and all! Gbus!

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

10 Strangest Flying Animals

Plenty of animals fly; this is no surprise to anyone who actually comes from Earth. However, there are plenty of “flying” animals that are really gliding versions of other animals. You don’t expect your average rodent to come drifting from the skies, let alone some of the other creatures in this list.

No, we typically think of flies (it’s right there in the name), birds and maybe bats when we think of flying animals. Even then, quite a few of them creep us out. Get ready to feel unsettled every time you are in an open field from now on.


flying squirell

Okay, if you have no idea what a phalanger is, join the club. They are apparently an Australian subfamily of possum that manages to survive the horrors of that island continent by cuting them into submission. I mean it, that picture is an adult. I can only imagine the babies are…. Holy crap… Look at those… If they made Care Bears that looked like that, adult men would scream and cry if they were forced to leave Toy ‘R’ Us without one.

At any rate, the most famous phlying phalanger is the sugar glider, which sounds like it flies with fairies and delivers laughs to kittens. They can glide for about 50 to 150 feet and are likely the cutest thing to ever take to the air. It’s also the last thing on the list that would even remotely qualify as “cute.”



These things are called flying lemurs because “air sailing horror-beast” was too wordy. Or maybe because they are related to lemurs. Believe it or not, that is the closest thing on earth to being a primate without actually being one. They are also called colugos and outside of bats, they are the mammals most highly adapted for flight. As you can see, their limbs and tail are connected by flaps of skin that connect out to the very ends of them, thereby increasing their surface area and making them better gliders. They are apparently incredibly bad climbers, which is odd since they glide rather than fly, but are extremely maneuverable and can glide up to 3230 feet, with almost no loss in height. (most other “gliders” are more accurately “controlled fallers”).

They are also really scary looking animals that have no doubt inspired tales of flying monkeys stealing children.



I am of the mind that lizards, at least the small ones, are kind of cute. They often have big doe-like eyes and rid the world of bugs. However I am also of the mind that anything that drops on you from a tree unexpectedly is instantly frightening. Pictured above is an Indonesian lizard of the genus Draco, which as you may have guessed, means “dragon.” They have been known to glide as far as 195 feet while only losing 30 feet in height from the initial jump.  Unlike the flying mammals, they don’t have loose skin strung between their arms and legs for gliding, but rather extended ribs, which makes them about the only thing in nature to achieve a super power by being blended with one of Jigsaw’s murder machines.


flying snake

If you are afraid of snakes, you probably did not need to know that in some parts of the world, you are in danger of them gliding out of the forest canopy and landing on you. Sorry about that. They also live in the same parts of the world as the flying lemur and the flying lizard, which makes me wonder, what is in those trees that is so bad that multiple animals evolved gliding abilities to escape it?

The flying snakes are “mildly venomous”, which means they have poison, but it is not harmful to humans. Likely 90% of the people who read that don’t care about the “not dangerous to humans” part and will likely focus on the fact that South East Asia and Indonesia have flying poison snakes. Life in that part of the world must be like a game of Pitfall


flying frog
Finally, we move past horror animals into merely curious. Flying frogs have apparently evolved from several different lines of frog, in most places in the world where there are tree-dwelling tropical frogs. They developed their “parachuting” ability as a means of predator evasion, and fortunately lack the pants-wetting ability of flying lizards and snakes because even a giant house-sized frog would be inherently adorable.

Appropriately enough, the first described flying frogs were found in Malaysia and Indonesia, where they spend their lives dodging every other flying creature. I can only imagine the forest skies of those nations look like air traffic control screens, only filled with bug eating animals and snakes.


flying fish
Okay, no more jumping out of trees, these guys live in the ocean.  While flying from one tree to another is impressive, leaping out of the ocean and gliding 160 feet is awesome. Now, the flying squirrel may have the tree to tree world record, but they have nothing at all on flying fish. The record for a sustained glide by a flying fish is 1300 feet, at a speed of 42 miles per hour! The achieve flight by beating their tail 70 times a second and launching themselves out of the water, then ride the updrafts waves produce. They can fly up to 20 feet vertically into the air, and sometimes accidentally strand themselves on ships.

Those are impressive numbers for an animal that is generally designed to swim for a living, and can’t even breathe air.


Mobula Ray
What is 17 feet across, weighs over a ton, and can launch itself out of the sea? Why, a mobula of course! As rays go, they are only second in size to the manta ray, and they can jump as high as 6 and a half feet out of the water. Now, there is some danger here; a woman in Florida was killed when an eagle ray jumped into the boat she was on and hit her, and they top out at a few hundred pounds. Imagine being hit with a flying ton of fish. Still, there are videos on youtube of these things breaching, and it is pretty damn spectacular.


Gliding Ants
Okay, so there are species of ant that fly with wings, so what is so interesting about “gliding” ants? These are un-winged ants that fall into a very specific subset of requirements, like having good eyesight, living in rain forests that flood, and forage for food at the ends of branches. They also tend to be armored. When they fall from trees, they focus on the lighter color of the trunk against the darker forest background, and then flatten their head, legs and abdomen and then glide from free-fall to a J-shaped flight, and then grasp the tree. The whole thing seems to have developed as a way to avoid falling out of trees and being eaten on the forest floor. Gliding ants have an 85% greater chance of falling and landing on a tree than ants that just fall. So nature deigned ants that are clumsy, but make up for it by being X-Men.


Flying Squid
That is no PhotoShop, that is an actual squid gliding over the ocean. Believe it or not, they actually display behaviors that show they actively maintain their glide, meaning they may not be gliders at all and may actually be flying squids. They act very much like the flying fish, using their ability to evade predators, and also wind up on ship decks.

Scientists aren’t exactly sure how they manage to launch themselves or maintain their flights, which adds a layer of mystery to the already weird fact that they are cephalopods that can take to the air and glide. Flying fish can be related to at least a little bit, since we probably evolved from fish some time way back in the past, but the only mollusks to ever leave the water were snails and slugs, so this is kind of like the fish skipping the amphibian and reptile stages and jumping right into birds.

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Senjata-Senjata Rahasia Ninja

1. Kunai ((苦内 atau 苦無, Kunai)
Alat ini menyerupai pisau berujung runcing dan dan sering digunakan seperti kuku oleh para ninja untuk untuk menempel di dinding sewaktu memanjat atau menggali tanah.

Kunai berukuran sekitar 10-15 cm sehingga cukup kecil untuk dibawa ke mana-mana dan disembunyikan di balik baju dari penglihatan orang. Alat ini diketahui sebagai senjata standar bagi ninja seperti halnya makibishi dan shuriken. Kunai berukuran kecil disebut Tobikunai (kunai terbang) dan digunakan seperti halnya shuriken.

2. Shuriken ((手裏剣;"hand hidden blade")
Shuriken adalah senjata tradisional jepang yang pada umumnya digunakan untuk melempar lawan, dan kadang digunakan untuk menusuk dan memotong arteri lawan. Shuriken dibuat dari jarum, pisau, dan bahan logam lain. Shuriken adalah senjata yang paling sering digunakan setelah katana dan naginata.

Ilmu beladiri yang menggunakan shuriken disebut Shuriken-jutsu, Shuriken-jutsu pada dulunya diajarkan di perguruan ninja.

Shuriken dikenal dengan sebutan "Bintang Ninja"

3. Katana (刀)
Katana adalah pedang panjang Jepang (daitō, 大刀), walaupun di Jepang sendiri ini merujuk pada semua jenis pedang. Katana adalah kunyomi (sebutan Jepang) dari bentuk kanji 刀; sedangkan onyomi (sebutan Hanzi) karakter kanji tersebut adalah tō. Ia merujuk kepada pedang satu mata, melengkung yang khusus yang secara tradisi digunakan oleh samurai Jepang.

Katana biasanya dipasangkan dengan wakizashi atau shoto, bentuknya mirip tapi dibuat lebih pendek, keduanya dipakai aleh anggota kelas ksatria. Kedua senjata dipakai bersama-sama disebut daisho, dan mewakili kekuatan sosial dan kehormatan pribadi samurai.Pedang panjang dipakai untuk pertempuran terbuka, sementara yang lebih pendek dipakai sebagai senjata sampingan (side arm), lebih cocok untuk menikam, pertempuran jarak dekat, dan seppuku (suatu bentuk ritual bunuh diri).

Katana terutama digunakan untuk memotong,dan diutamakan dipakai dengan dua pegangan tangan. Sementara seni praktis penggunaan pedang untuk tujuannya semula telah usang, kenjutsu dan taijutsu beralih menjadi seni bela diri modern.

Pedang Jepang yang asli sekarang ini adalah barang yang langka, walaupun yang benar-benar antik dapat diperoleh dengan harga yang sangat mahal. Katana dan wakizashi modern hanya dibuat oleh sedikit praktisi berlisensi yang masih membuat kerajinan senjata ini sekarang, meskipun katana "Type 98" juga langka.

4. Bom Asap
ada 3 macem yaitu : asap.racun,sinar (flash grenade)
yang asap buat distraction
yang racun ga terlalu mematikan tapi bikin kita batuk2 ga karuan
yang flash buat ngagetin musuh dan serangan kejutan alias surprise attack

5. exploding tag
ini semacem kertas yang meledak dalam waktu singkat..
biasanya di iket ke kayu atau kunai n' shuriken.. trus ntar "KABOOOOM"...

Kepribadian seseorang melalui minuman kesukaanny

Mungkin kamu-kamu pasti punya minuman favorit kamu masing-masing. Berikut ini adalah kelompok minuman dan juga kepribadian peminumnya:


Pagi-pagi emang enaknya minum kopi apalagi yang hangat. Nah, buat kamu yang suka kopi (mau tubruk atau cappucinno), kamu bisa dibilang berkepribadian pekerja keras dan prefeksionis. Demi harga diri, kamu pantang meminta bantuan pada orang lain saat mengerjakan sesuatu. Dibutuhkan usaha ekstra untuk menaklukkan mereka yang menyukai kopi karena mereka agak kaku. Perlahan tapi pasti, ajaklah mereka yang suka kopi untuk lebih santai menikmati hidup.


Apapun makanannya, minuman harus teh. Para penggemar teh ini justru lebih bersifat santai dan relax dalam menjalani hidup. Gak usah terburu-buru. Tapi kalau ada maunya, para penggemar teh ini bakal berusaha mendapatkannya. Diusahakan buat kamu-kamu yang mempunyai teman 'teh' ini untuk lebih bersabar. Kalau nggak mau dijauhi, hindari untuk memburu-burukan mereka.

Jus buah

Bagi kalian yang suka jus buah, pasti menyukai tantangan dan berani ambil resiko. Maklum, penggemar jus termasuk orang yang mudah bosan sehingga senang mencoba hal-hal baru. Bagi teman-teman 'jus' ini harus selalu bersikap penuh kejutan jika ingin meraih simpatinya. Nggak kalah pentingnya, jangan pernah mengeluh di hadapan mereka pecinta jus karena mereka anti cewek/cowok manja.

Air mineral

Si penyuka air putih akan selalu sederhana dan nggak banyak maunya. Tapi jangan salah, dibandingkan tipe cowok/cewek lainnya, dia berjiwa paling sensitif sekaligus puitis. Mereka si penyuka air juga pastinya romantis. Jika mereka sudah sreg dan suka dengan seseorang, tentunya mereka akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menyenangkannya. Penyuka air putih ini juga termasuk orang irit karena air mineral biasanya paling murah.

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